Friday, July 07, 2006



So I'm actually knitting again. Crafting again. I do that sometimes, I just stop. I guess I'm not diehard. Sometimes I just like to devote my freetime to books, or to just watching tv. But I always come around. This is why I'm addicting to craft swapping (and thank god for Craftster for that). A lot of times I need a purpose to craft. I'm usually not good enough of a reason. I need a theme to spark me and the dependency of a partner to drive me.

Are other crafters like this? Or am I alone?

Mike thinks I'm crazy. He doesn't get why I love swapping. If I'm going to make stuff for someone other than myself, I should sell it, he says.

Besides my reasoning above, a close number two is: my craftmanship is not sell-worthy. I don't practice enough. I admire people who do, they inspire me. And at times make me jealous, but I know I'm not there yet. I'm not even close.

My current inspiration run comes from the Sweet Treats Swap on on Craftster. A little hint to what's WIP this week (and probably next week too)! Though some people in the blog-o-sphere have got me thinking about taking up a new hobby…quilting! And then I see this awesome fabric for like the bijillionth time, and all I can think about is how I need this owl fabric. I don't know what I would do with it. But I Need It! Maybe I could use it to make an apron like I keep telling myself I will. If only there was no work. Maybe I would have enough time, and more importantly, enough energy to do it all.

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