Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Swapped out… or swapped up?

Halloween Swap 2006 - sent

Ok, so I lied about giving a pictorial update about our anniversary adventure. Maybe tomorrow…though LOST is premiering tomorrow night.

PEZ Head Swap

I have been a swapping machine lately. Probably too much. I'm actually imposing a no-swap end-of-year rule. It'll be tough, but there's stuff I want to do for myself and my family. With work, and Mike, TV shows that are new, cooking, reading (so I don't become illiterate), keeping our place relatively clean…and the internet, I just don't have tons of time to craft. I am so not good at managing my time.

Halloween Swap 2006 - sent

My last two swaps really wore me out, too. Especially since I was organizing one of them (note to self: do not organize again, don't have time or patience). Their due date were really close, and one had a really short craft time. We all know I procrastinate, so when the craft time of one falls completely in last week before send-outs of the other… That just spells trouble. They were both fun, but I could have done with the original timeline of the second swap instead of the rushed one. Heck! I would have had a ton more time to procrastinate…and to find myself in the exact same situation.

PEZ Head Swap

Surprisingly, I only sent 3 days late (one was a Sunday) for one swap, and one day late for the other. I always knew I worked better under pressure. Isn't that what all high school and college kids say to excuse their procrastination? It's try though, unless you're a total slacker, "I don't care about life" type of person.

Halloween Swap 2006 - sent

Doing swaps and reading all the fabulous blogs that I do, really makes me realize that I'm a Jill of all trades. Good/acceptable at a lot of things, great at none. So many people have focus on their crafts. I just kinda wander everywhere, haphazardly. I'm actually thinking about structuring myself a bit. Focusing, and improving my skills on specific things. But where to start, I don't really want to give up any of my crafts, but I think focusing on a specific skill may help my efficiency and craftsmanship.

So where do I start? Embroidery? Knitting? Sewing clothes? Sewing stuffies? Sewing accessories? Crochet? Decoupage? Jewelry making? Sculpey-ing? Bookbinding? Block printing?

I know I don't do some of these things, but I have had strong interest in doing them. Fleeting, recent interest for others.

This is why I have problems focusing. This and that other pesky thing…learning to be a grown-up. (Does it get easier the longer you are one?)

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