Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yikes…Diving into the Design Archives.

My Very First Designed Piece
An ad I designed at Junior (H.S.) Job Shadowing Day back in 1999

Last night I took a trip down memory lane. After lugging 2 file boxes of college design paper files to 5 locations in 4 years, not to mention the three years of transport to and from ISU, I decided to dive into the archives one more time…and purge.

And boy was it a scary trip.

Indian Ink Quick Sketch - Racooon
Quick indian ink sketch to do my first logo work - First Project, Design 1.

All I could think while going through dozens of file folders was "If this was good work, what did the bad work in class look like."

At least I now know I've progressed. Because sometimes, it doesn't feel like it. But I have.

Early Love for Fancy Packaging
Look, I've had a love for fancy, unusual packaging since the beginning. Final Project, Design 1

You may notice I'm not showing any actual work. I did have good work that I'm still proud of today, but that's in the portfolio and wasn't purged.

Chicago Concessions Sketch
Chicago skyline concession men for poster design - Design 2 (thanks for the idea, Gavin!)

Not much of what I saw last night was good. It was a learning process though. It was interesting to see OH SO MANY thumbnails and roughs, all on layout paper. Thicker than tracing paper, but still see-through, and required a trip to Paintin' Place, which is no longer near campus.

Enclosure Nightmare - Design 3
The evidence of a nightmare project in the hours before it was due (note the times on the CDs). Enclosure Book - Design 3

Surprisingly, all but a small amount of mounted pieces that I'm hesitant to recycle still, fit in a medium-sized Nordstrom's shopping bag. Perhaps I got rid of stuff before, because some classes (most notably the train wreck of a class Poster Design) have absolutely no paperwork.

I probably tossed that stuff as soon as I walked out the door on the last day.

Being my worst class experience in my entire educational career.

I finally Say Goodbye

Now I move forward. And the file boxes and dozens of hanging folders will now be used to keep our "archived years" of household files.

I sound grown up now, right?

1 comment:

Stacey said...

AHHH!!! Talk about a blast from the past!! How I remember Digital Space 2.0 and the dancing candy... but we won't talk about the enclosure project... or that horrible horrible class that dare not speak it's name... grumble grumble!

But the raccoon! I loved that raccoon.

Good for you to be able to clean that stuff out... I have bags of folders to go through, and more sitting in the basement of my parents' house... someday!