Saturday, March 28, 2009

One For Me, One For You: Sneak Peek…Tweet

February Sneak Peek

We're a little behind, this I know. Yesterday I sent out both January and February quilt squares, as well as March fabric. Got the month's fabric out before the end of the month, so that's progress…I guess. Perhaps April will be the month to catch up, but from what I hear Darcy's going to Thailand for a week or two and I have a list as long as a roll of toilet paper of things that need to be done by Easter, so probably not.

This week has been busy at work, I've been laying out a magazine for the majority of the week. Deadline's Monday and by then I have to have all 104 pages printed. Considering that it can take half a day to print out a 34 page version of this magazine, I came to the realization upon waking up this morning that I need to have the whole thing done before Monday.

So what was going to be a working Saturday weekend, is almost 100% sure going to be a working Saturday and Sunday weekend. I needed a vacation like two weeks ago, so imagine what I'll feel like after working 12 days straight. Yikes, poor Mike!

Off to pack up the dog (lucky her, she's coming to work with me), run a couple errands and then off to work to put in at least a half a day at the office.

From what I hear, there's a strong possibility that we will be getting 5 inches of heavy, wet snow tonight, so perhaps a work computer will be packed up and brought home with me tonight.


On a side note (but related to my photo and post title), I've been twittering (or is it tweeting?) more regularly, especially since dear ole Craft N Clutter has become a bit neglected as of late. I've added a roll to my side bar, so follow me if you'd like!

1 comment:

imripple said...

I love seeing how creative you and Darcy are with this project. Almost makes me want to pick up my needle again!