Monday, March 08, 2010

Masochistic Mondays: Week 32

The Stats (as of March 8, 2010)

Starting Weight: 188 lbs
Current Weight: 179.7 lbs

After going to the gym 11 days in a row, I had to finally put an end to that streak. I had plans on making a visit both days this weekend, but spring cleaning was a bit more intense than I even though. I mean, it took me ALL day Saturday to clean the kitchen! And I didn't even finish everything I wanted to, underneath the stove top still needs scrubbing and the pantry could use organizing. I just couldn't spend another day in the kitchen yesterday, plus we ended up needing to go up to Mike's parents' house for several hours to spend some time with his visiting uncle (so no gym visit yesterday either, we had to leave right when the Y opened at noon).

I very much look forward to the day when 4-6 days a week at the gym starts to pay off.

Hopefully soon.

But I'm pretty sure the ice cream cake (oreo crumbs, ice cream, hot fudge, cool whip and caramel topping) I had 2 servings of last night at dinner won't help that day come any sooner.

Since I didn't get to the gym this weekend, I also didn't get a timed mile run in, which is a bit of a bummer, but I guess it also help me avoid some disappointment.

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