Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday Night Dinner: Tex Mex Chicken Stew

Tex Mex Stew

It has felt like winter the past few days. Freezing temps. High winds. And supposedly some scattered snow flurries - though I didn't see them.

Nothing welcomes you home more from a day spent freezing at our desk than a hot meal already cooking in the slow cooker.

I have no idea why I don't use that thing more often.

I admit I am tentative about leaving it at home alone. My mom actually got it off the back of a truck. A delivery semi-truck to her credit. But it had been damaged, well at least the box. Which is why she was able to take it home…for free.

But since either Mike or I comes home every day at lunch to take care of our dear Nibs, I feel better using it here than any other of our dwellings.

This Tex Mex Chicken Stew warmed us up in a few ways, not only was it piping hot from the cooker, but it was spicy hot. The kind of hot that made Mike sweat and my nose run. We can thank my imprecise measurement of the chipotle peppers in adobe sauce.

I can't recommend enough…do not eyeball the peppers.

It serves nicely with some homemade baked tortilla chips and sour cream. Or reheated on top of baked potatoes straight from the Farmers Market (bonus! It's not as spicy when reheating).

Now I'm looking for more tried-and-true slow cooker recipes. Got any? I'm thinking pot roast next. Or maybe I should crack open one of those slow cooker recipe books my mother-in-law gave me awhile back.

PS: I think I'm going to attempt to participate in NaBloPoMo…starting Saturday. November's not the best month because of Thanksgiving which we are hosting, but at least I should have some stuff to post about, right?

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