Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Just kinda floating


I've just kinda been floating around for the past week. Not really doing much of anything. And now I've become hooked on podcasts. Right now, since the announcement of the release date of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (July 21, 2007 hint hint), I've been listening to a bunch of Harry Potter podcasts. Nerdy, no? Naaah!

This colorful conglomeration is my latest WIP a couple days early. I've decided on a theme for Christmas 2007 gifts and decorations, and since I have a bit of free time right now, I've decided start. Doesn't look Christmasy, right? I guess that's kinda good, since the most people would be worn out on the holidays by now. But I guess I'm kinda feeling Christmas-deprived. This past holiday season just didn't feel like the Holiday Season.

Is that sad? That I feel like I missed Christmas in its full glory?

I just want to say carrying 5 colors behind a knitted piece is a PAIN, especially since I'm knitting in rounds. There is so much twisting, and the consequently a lot of untwisting. But the different colors makes straight stockinette a lot more interesting. Call me crazy if you will.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the bright colors! Hooked me on the podcasts too...very interesting theories...