Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Kindergarten Craft

Valentine's Day 2007

In love, there is always one who kisses and one who offers the cheek.
~French Proverb~

Some Valentine's Day plans have been hampered a bit because of 11 inches of snow that was dumped on us yesterday in the Land of Lincoln. So some VD treats may take us through the weekend as things get dug out and I can venture out to the grocery store.

Mike and I were stupid enough to venture out last night, only to find our destination closed. It was one of the most tense three mile trips I've taken. Luckily, there were very few cars on the road (though if something had happened, I'd probably being saying otherwise) and Mike is a good snow driver. He attributes that to playing video games. Is that bad?

It was strange driving around at 7 pm, with only one or two cars coming from the opposite direction and the closest car going our direction at least a half a mile behind us. Everything was closed. From the mall, to all the chain stores to Panera. All except Burger King and Chili's.

So much for the first meeting of a craft group, huh? Go figure it's scheduled to start on the night that becomes the 'Great Snow of 07'. Hopefully next week will work out. I'm anxious to meet some people my own age and with similar interests here. It'd be nice to make some friends, a person can go stir-crazy in my situation.

Well, I'm going to go try and dig my car out, so all that snow doesn't become iced to my car. Plus it will get me out of the apartment and into the sunshine. Isn't it great how the day after a big storm, it's always super sunny? And then when that storm involves snow, it is 100 times sunnier. It's an interesting phenomenon that I had never really given much thought to until I saw "The Day After Tomorrow". How storms are nature's way of equalizing the environment/atmosphere.

On that note, which may be construed as rather insightful or more so a case of pop culture pathetic-ness, Happy Valentine's Day!

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