Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Last Day of May.

Stitch It


Time sure flies.

With the state government keeping Mike very busy the last couple weeks, it culminated all to today. I spent a lovely day, especially after the tough evening we had last night (lots of rain, a flash flood warnings and a few waves of tornado sirens), alone with Nibbler.

A biked trip to the farmers market, cleaning up a week's worth of dog debris on our first floor, laundry, another biked trip downtown for free birthday ice cream, time with a fabulous cookbook, a winning ball game on the radio, dinner al fresco as the air began to cool, and relaxing in the setting sun with some hand stitching.

Tomorrow family life should return to normal, and perhaps my front door will turn a fabulous new shade of green.


Unknown said...

I'm not sure how I found your blog, I was in some kind of blog clicking daze I guess! Anyway, it's gorgeous & I'm intrigued to see the 'super secret' project when it's finished :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, your wip is coming along really nicely :o) Hope normal life is already with you :o) Hope you had a good weekend.