Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kickin' It Old School.

Mike' Bob Brenly 1987 NES RBI Baseball Shirt
Project # 21 in '50 in 2008' Challenge - Bob Brenly 1987 NES RBI Baseball Tee

After Obama baRacked town Saturday afternoon, Mike and I hauled ass up north to spend very little times with my parents and grandparents before heading out early Sunday morning for a quick trip to American Girl Place and then the Cubs game.

Earlier in the week, Mike inquired to the time requirements to make an iron tee-shirt. And after finding out it is seriously no big deal, I was commissioned (with love and affection as payment) to make him a Bob Brenly (the Cubs' TV color guy) tee shirt. Bob Brenly as depicted in the old-school Nintendo game RBI Baseball (circa 1987).

Mike was actually going to do it himself, besides the printing, but after seeing the GIF he was going to use as art, I had to take over. Lucky for me it was only pixel art, so it was super easy and fast to recreate.

Normally I would dismiss this as an actual project, but in light of my recent foray into taking the easy way out (or in, as it may be)…I say, The Hell With It, Project # 21 Is Done!

John Cusack's 7th Inning Stretch
And as for the game, I saw my second cool 7th inning stretch singer, John Cusack (the first being Eddie Veder). And of course, Cubs Win, Cubs Win!

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