Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Masochistic Mondays: week 7…

The Stats (September 15, 2009)
Starting Weight: 188 lbs
Current Weight: 185.2 lbs

…the post vacation edition.

Whew! A relief to see that number did not go up. I guess trouncing around Rome, Venice & Paris on foot (ugh! the stairs!) helps negate the massive amounts of food we ended up eating there. The pasta, the gelato, the antipasti & pizzas, the cheese, more gelato, the baguettes & pain au chocolat, the sodas, the gratined onion soup, and of course, the massive amounts of plane food we were given.

As you may have suspected by my rather frequent posting the past week or so, I've been utilizing the wonders of auto-posting and took myself (and Mike) on a little vacation. A mini European backpacking trip. Three cities crammed into 6 days plus three days of travel (with more time than I'd like to remember spent waiting in airports - the things you need to do to lower your air fare, sigh).

That being said, I admit now, the past week I have not been eating consciously…just enjoying the fruits (in the figurative sense) of Italian & French cuisine, something I did not do when I studied there 6 years ago. And the past two weeks, exercise has not been a priority. The last time I did Couch to 5K training was Monday, August 31 - the rest of that week was consumed by trying to get all the last minute preparations done for our Friday afternoon departure, and then of course, last week I was too busy taking in the sites and sounds of foreign lands on a tight schedule.

Thankfully both countries have a plethora of stairs…and that we chose to spend the majority of each waking day on foot.

Now I need to get myself back on track. Making conscious decisions on what is going in (hmm, perhaps that cinnamon roll for breakfast this morning wasn't the best idea), but more importantly, I need to get back into my C25King. But with an empty fridge & pantry, getting back into the swing of things at work, massive amounts of laundry to be done and a house that went from acceptably clean to a post vacation disaster, I'm feeling that it may be difficult to get back in the swing of things.

I know, I know. Excuses, excuses. I need some kind of motivator, I think. A splurge, maybe, if I get my butt back in gear. I'll have to brainstorm & get back to you on the details.

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