Monday, February 15, 2010

Masochistic Mondays: Week 29

The Stats (as of February 15, 2009)
Starting Weight: 188 lbs
Current Weight: 178.4 lbs

So though the Whittle Your Middle isn't going that great, I find it incredibly discouraging that I have zero core muscles. I know, if I kept with it, I'd start to gain those muscles, but it just stinks that I can't hold a plank position for more than 30 seconds.

I do have progress to report, though.

In the middle of last week, Mike and I designed to renew our membership to the YMCA so we can both work on getting active and fit. After a busy Valentine's Day weekend, I made my first return trip to the Y this morning on my day off. Talk about major victory, right? I started Couch to 5K again. Day 1, week 1 under my belt. Despite not running for over 3 months, I didn't die!


The Jesse said...

hi & happy tuesday :)

congrats on wk1d1!!!

um, i am HORRIBLE at planks too! my legs shake sooo bad every single time i try them!!!

i did my first day of ab exercises last night, it wasnt too bad but i have no core muscles either. ugh, i guess i'll try again today :)

suzydewilde said...

I checked out that couch to 5k, it looks like a great idea. That is Adam and I's goal as well. Hopefully we will be right there with you!

Stacey said...

I think I'm going to attempt Couch to 5K. It's hard here, since I dont' have anywhere to run (or room for a treadmill in our tiny apt). But man, I went to the dr on Tuesday... I'm at my heaviest and I can't blame depression and stress for much longer.

You think being poor would help negate this weight gain.