Friday, March 02, 2007

WIP Friday

WIP - March 02

This week:
  • I've started to dip my toes into the ginormous pool called ATC, looked forward to my first attempts in the coming week (I can't ruin the swapping surprises)
  • Mom came down for a quick visit and saw that we don't live in a dilapidated shack in the ghetto
  • I discovered the wonder that is Panera's Spinach & Artichoke Baked Egg SoufflĂ© (if anyone has the recipe for this, please, please share with me)
  • My love of Netflix just grows and grows every few days (any recommendations?)
  • Reading has stepped up again in my life, two books done this week and I've started a third today
  • The deliciousness that is homemade kettle corn was consumed
  • Grand plans to utilize a huge shopping bag full of cones of yarn from my mother-in-law, and make shopping bags (I have three patterns so far, so I won't be getting bored) was spawned after getting 2 plastic shopping bags for a half gallon of milk and 5 Snickers bars (the cashier was distracting me before I could request no bag, grrr)
  • Monday night crafting with Mike, sitting side by side at the craft table with Family Guy playing in the background, was inaugurated
  • Spring sprung on the first day of March, and then was sadly squashed (though not a violently as it was up north) with more cold weather
  • Geared up to start freelance work (will this become a tax hassle anyone?)
  • Thoughts of starting an Etsy store (not yet by any means), or at least buying things from people like me, were given serious thought

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