Monday, April 30, 2007

St Louis - the Zoo

This shot could have come straight form March of the Penguins…I'm that good.

Black Bear
Mike had flashbacks of New Mexico when we saw this guy.

Modest Chimps
These two were the most modest chimps I've ever seen, marching along close together holding bunches of hay in front of their privates. They followed us from viewing area to viewing area which was weird.

Cute Bears with long tongues
These two were too darn cute, asleep in the tree with their tongues hanging out.

Scariest Bird EVER
The scariest bird EVER! Can you see that crazy eye and the freaky dual beak? Watching it jump from branch to branch was almost morbidly fascinating.

Why do giraffes always pose like this?
Why do groups of giraffes always pose like this?
While everyone was oogling the 5 giraffes in this confinement, across the path were some wild asses that no one would give the time of day to. Not even me.

Giant Giraffe Head Only Inches Away
Giraffe heads are huge, and this one was either really friendly or really hungry as he tried to eat the sign that a group of people were reading (up in the left corner).

Elephants Without Firehoses
These are the "clean" elephants, aka the women and baby (aww), not the male who was pooping up a storm and had a "second trunk" that could easily be confused for a second trunk in appearance or a firehose in force.

I'll be back tomorrow with more photos from our weekend in St Louis…it was my first time there, and in the state of Missouri actually. So be prepared for loads of touristy photos.

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