Thursday, May 01, 2008

A Post A Day In May!

May Day 2008

Happy May Day! This pretty bouquet actually came from my back yard. I rescued them from the jaws of Nibbler's very active mouth. She enjoys biting the heads of flowers and spitting them out. I assume because they end up tasting bad, no matter how yummy they look.

The pink looks so nice against our blue kitchen walls, doesn't it?

So I've decided to join Jenny at Allsorts in the quest to make 'A Post A Day in May!' Blogging and crafting has become such a low priority since we brought Nibbler home. I feel like we need to be with her every moment we're not at work to make up for abandoning her for 8 hours each day. Well really she has it better than that since Mike leaves after me and one of us comes home every day for lunch…but still.

I'm realizing though I really need to start doing my "thing" again. I miss creating and in the month it's been since I really did anything, I can tell the difference in my mind set. I'm hoping this small step of posting every day will help me get back in the swing of things. And set off a chain reaction.

So until tomorrow…good night!


kasiaiscarly said...

very pretty tulips!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flowers!!

suzydewilde said...

Gorgeous picture, Sarah!