Friday, November 07, 2008

Just One Word.

Short and Sweet, and perfectly presented to me through the handy dandy blog reader this afternoon.

Thank goodness because I'm exhausted and I must get up early to brine a turkey and go to puppy class.

So without further ado, the One-Word-Answer meme via Alicia (via City Girl), play along too!

Where is your mobile phone? basket
Where is your significant other? bed
Your hair colour? plain
Your mother? stressed
Your father? loving
Your favourite thing? naps
Your dream last night? real
Your dream goal? vacation
The room you're in? demolished
Your hobby? anything
Your fear? cars
Where do you want to be in 6 years? anywhere
Where were you last night? asleep
What you're not? chipper
One of your wish-list items? Eglu
Where you grew up? home
The last thing you did? sort
What are you wearing? slacks
Your TV? occupied
Your pets? destructive
Your computer? sluggish
Your mood? overwhelmed
Missing someone? no
Your car? rickety
Something you're not wearing? hat
Favourite shop? Borders
Your summer? non-existent
Love someone? obviously
Your favourite colour? blues
When is the last time you laughed? Saturday
When is the last time you cried? Tuesday

Here's to a productive weekend…and the hopes for some more substantial content. Buenos Noches.

1 comment:

Heather Wardell said...

But that's a great meme. I'm stealing it for tomorrow's post. :)

Heather ("sapphireninja" on Ravelry")