Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Queen

What? I'm Allowed On This Step Now?
Trying to keep me on task, Nibbler sits and watches while I work…and then she bites me.

It's amazing how gung ho I can get about one thing when I really should be doing a hundred other, more pressing items.

But instead of recovering our living room chair, knitting Christmas presents, making table linens for Thanksgiving or cleaning the house, I am taking photographs of individual PEZ dispensers, editing those pictures and cataloging them on Flickr.

A whopping year and a half after I initially decided on the method and spent the cash to get a pro account.

I really am the queen of procrastination.


Anonymous said...

you are the queen and your dad is the king. did ya ever wonder where you got it from?

Anonymous said...

"and then she bites me?" hee least I only get stared at...quite disconcerting (sp?) I must say.