Monday, February 16, 2009

What's The Bzz?

Bzz Deux
Project #4 in '50 in 2009 Challenge' - Cream Bzz Deux

Another state holiday, another relatively quiet day here in the state capital. Practically nothing is open downtown. There was a dog barking in the bar under my office. And the drive to work was happily free of school traffic.

I've been on a crafting kick lately, I'm proud to say. Though there has also been alot of time wasted in front of the tv. I very clearly could be knitting while watching tv, especially since I've been finding myself watching things like The Cosby Show late on Friday nights, but I just don't have the energy to pick it up. Or really I should say collect everything I need, bring it downstairs and then pick it up.

My hat-a-polozza did begin last week when I frantically knit this second Bzz Hat for my sister's birthday. But you say, Sarah, I thought you already knit that exact same hat for your sister for Christmas. Well, you would be correct, this is technically for my sister's chiropractor, but considering my sister commissioned me to knit up 7 hats for her, I thought it'd be nice to get a freebie in there. Even if I am disguising it as a birthday gift.

I know every time I knit a hat I say this, but I think hats are the best things to knit (ask me again after I finish hat #7 this year for my sis). So compact. So fast. And so many different patterns to choose from. Even this hat, which looks the same as the one I knit just a couple months ago was a totally different experience.

I decreased the number of stitches, knit it inside out and adjusted the number of ribs I made, and this version turned out to be a dream to work with. And it fits so much better. I told my sister that she could feel free to keep this version if she wanted. She has a tiny head, so if the last hat was big on me, I can only imagine what its like on her. I promised not to tell her chiropractor if she handed off her "old" hat instead - especially if you guys promise not to tell that I tried the hat on. It looks cute on me though, so perhaps a Bzzz Trois is in order (yikes, 8 hats in a year!).

Oh, and if you're wondering how I got from project #1 to #4, see #2, The Fruity Swifty & #3, The Diva Swifty here. Besides being different colors, they look the same as project #1, so I decided to spare you.

I'm doing pretty well on the project count for this year's challenge. Six weeks into the year and I'm finishing up project #5 and have #6 completed, waiting on my camera to be uploaded. 50 projects may really happen this year!

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