Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cookbook Challenge: How to Eat Supper #4

South of France Tomato Soup with Young Chevré
The Splendid Table's South of France Tomato soup with Young Chevré

In keeping with this summer's weird temperatures, we've been enjoying some unseasonably cool, fall-like weather as of last. Windows open, chilly at night kind of weather.

Weather that makes me want soup.

So Saturday morning I headed to the farmer's market, stocked up on peaches (only 1 or 2 weeks left -eep!), tomatoes, a baguette & a cantaloupe - planning to knock out two HTES soup recipes in the week. Saturday's (late - I've never peeled a tomato before, there was a learning curve) lunch consisted of this homemade tomato soup served with a dollop of goat cheese and a couple slices of baguette, outside under our new patio umbrella. Let me tell you something, though it may seem fallish, we are definitely not in eating hot soup outside weather yet. A comfortable day, became rather hot with each spoonful.

Nevertheless the soup was delicious - I've never been a Campbell's tomato soup fan, so I was nervous - brothy and chunky and not at all smooth…that is until you got to a spoonful with some goat cheese in it, yum!

On a side note, why has no one told me about goat cheese before last week? On a whim 2 two weeks ago, I bought a little container of herbed goat cheese - or should I say chevré - thinking I might top a "gourmet" pizza with it. Well that didn't happen, and it sat for a week until Mike was out one night and I needed something fast and yummy so I create sauteéd spinach & onion & goat cheese quesadilla and it was fabulous so I was eager to use it again and lucked out that HTES had a recipe featuring it.

The best thing about this soup is it makes an excellent base for a tomato sauce. Sunday night I made us a eggplant parmesan for dinner using about a cup of leftover soup and adding an additional 1/4 cup of tomato paste. Flavorful and chunky, and why better than any of my earlier attempts this summer to make pasta sauce!

Though upon thinking about it, it was probably the zucchini's fault that my previous attempts were lackluster.

And yes, I may have a bit of a prejudice against zucchini. I've been a bit zucchini-ed out for a couple years.

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